Harold Faltermeyer

Sweet Home Bavaria
Seine Melodien kennt jeder! Und doch ist der international erfolgreiche Filmkomponist Harold Faltermeyer kein abgehobenes Genie, sondern ein sympathischer Bayer, der noch dazu sehr gut kochen kann. In seinem Buch verrät er mit viel Humor die besten Rezepte seiner Heimatküche, die geprägt sind von Familientraditionen, aber auch von den Einflüssen seiner USA-Aufenthalte.

Why Composers cut?
As a composer of film music, the main obstacle to being truly creative is the lack of time. Due to the rapidly developing digital workflow in modern film making, this becomes more of an issue by the day. It is breathtaking to watch the speed of directors and editors, finishing a rough cut of their daily work the same evening, then sending it to the composer and demanding a finished piece of music on the fly. Quite often, some emotional aspects of composing along with the detailed production touches, the icing on the cake, so to speak, are left behind. To me, this has always left a bitter aftertaste.

Where’ s the orchestra?
My life in many chapters – Teaser of the bio
Now - listen to the synthesizers played by this crazy bavarian guy Harold Faltermeyer”! In the hip dance clubs of New York, Dj’s give props to the keyboard player and producer of “So Hard“ from the Pet Shop Boys Album Bahaviour. That crazy synth guy they were talking about is me! Even with a big Hollywood career and many hit records, you would have trouble picking me out of a line up. Though you probably haven't seen my face, I’m pretty sure you’ve heard my work. If you’ve ever danced to Donna Summer’s Hot Stuff or enjoyed Beverly Hills Cop’s Axel F., or the score from Top Gun starring Tom Cruise, you’ve heard my music. This is the unlikely story that has its humble beginnings in a Bavarian village right outside of Munich. From the tiny village to the larger Munich music scene and then all way to Hollywood.

August 26 - November 27, 2016
Oktoberfest The Musical – An Almost True Story is a musical comedy to be enjoyed all year -round, filled with my songs, ranging from spirited oom-pahpah polkas, jazzy burlesque numbers and delicate love duets to Broadway show-stoppers.